Today as we remember one of the darkest events in humanity, we acknowledge the strength of a people to defeat what can only be described as grave evil to become an invaluable pillar of courage as well as enrichment to our global community.
This day is not only a special one for our brothers and sisters of African heritage, as it serves as a reminder of the proud achievements and lasting legacy those of African descent continue to make in our nation post-emancipation.
It is a significant day for all of us, as it celebrates the wisdom, innovation, friendship, development, kindness and enlightenment the world has received from our African brothers and sisters.
Today we honour, thank and celebrate the courage of a people to rise from the greatest injustice and crime of humanity to become cornerstones of our society.
Emancipation Day also serves to remind us that the horrors of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade must not be forgotten. Though it may be difficult and painful, it is imperative that younger generations learn of the full scale of injustice, abuse and racism on which the immoral system of chattel slavery was built. This is the only way to ensure that the evil ideology which views one race as superior to another is permanently consigned to the dustbin.
The party I lead, the United National Congress, will always seek to honour the legacy of those Africans who fought for liberation by continuing to help make Trinidad and Tobago a place where opportunity, progress and social mobility are open to all, not a chosen few. The UNC joins with the global community to declare Never Again Slavery.
Happy Emancipation Day everyone!
Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, MP
Leader of the Opposition
File photo
1st August, 2022