Heavy rains flood Central

October 27, 2016 admin 0

Torrential rains at midday resulted in flash flooding along Endeavour Road, Chaguanas today. The rain, which began around noon, saw nearby tributaries overflowing into the road and traffic slowing to a crawl. Businesses quickly moved goods positioned near the street as water levels rose quickly. The flash flooding, typical to Central during the rainy season, dissipated as the rain ended […More]

UNC leader tells Diego supporters: Senate post for Anil

October 27, 2016 admin 0

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says she may appoint former government minister Anil Roberts to the Senate shortly. She made the comment during a public meeting of the United National Congress (UNC) in Diego Martin on Monday night, moments after Roberts made a return to the platform after a self-imposed hiatus of some 27 months. Roberts was asked to resign as […More]

Mother of man killed by cops: New video will disprove police

October 27, 2016 admin 0

While armed police stood guard outside her son’s funeral yesterday, Sharon Deslandes, the mother of Adalle Gilbert vowed to reveal a new video disputing the police version of how her son was shot and killed by police. Promising that the officer who fired the shots will be charged, Deslandes unleashed her fury during the funeral at Guides Funeral Home, San […More]

Pensioner spared jail for stealing vitamins, deodorant

October 27, 2016 admin 0

A pensioner, who on the eve of his 66th birthday pleaded guilty to stealing vitamins and deodorant on Monday, was placed on $3,000 bond for two years. In his defence Michael Williams claimed he needed the vitamins to strengthen his body in preparation for a surgical procedure. Williams, a shoemaker, appeared before San Fernando Fourth Court Magistrate Margaret Alert. He […More]

‘Money allocated for completion of Debe campus’

October 27, 2016 admin 0

The University of the West Indies south campus in Debe is 80 per cent complete but with the slow pace of work, there is still no official word on when the campus will be ready for its first intake of students. The campus was supposed to be ready for the academic year 2014/2016 even though $509.3 million was approved by […More]

Jan. ’17 – Crash Coming?

October 27, 2016 admin 0

Brian Mac Farlane has pulled the contentious section, La Belle Dame and Garçon de la Maison (The beautiful woman and the house boy), from his 2017 Carnival presentation. Mac Farlane made the announcement yesterday during a live panel discussion from Kinesis Studio in an apparent response to a barrage of criticism of the section from the public. “I have made […More]

Remember Grenada

October 21, 2016 admin 0

  REMEMBER GRENADA “In 1979, the socialist New Jewel Movement had overthrown the corrupt and unpopular dictator Eric Gairy in an almost bloodless coup. For years, Gairy ruled through fear. His secret police, the “Mongoose Gang,” had been supplied by the U.S.-backed Pinochet dictatorship in Chile. The revolution launched by the New Jewel Movement—the “Revo,” as it was affectionately dubbed—was […More]

Clinton and Trump dine together

October 21, 2016 admin 0

  (CNN)Donald Trump abandoned decades of tradition Thursday night with a tough takedown of Hillary Clinton at an annual charity dinner that prompted booing of the Republican presidential nominee. Clinton’s remarks, too, largely lacked the self-deprecating humor that is typical at the Al Smith dinner, which benefits Catholic charities and is often one of the final opportunities for presidential candidates […More]


October 20, 2016 admin 0

IF a country’s humanity is measured by how it treats its dead, then Trinidad and Tobago is failing, based on the horror that exists within the walls of the Forensic Science Centre in St James. In the refrigerated section of the building located in one of the most affluent areas of the country, are the bodies and body parts of […More]

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