ST JOHN’S, Antigua (SKNIS) — Prince Henry (Harry) of Wales touched down to a red carpet welcome on Sunday, November 20, at the VC Bird International Airport in Antigua aboard a British Airways commercial flight as he began his 15-day royal visit of several Caribbean countries, including St Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada, Barbados, and Guyana.
Prince Harry (32), wearing a navy suit, white shirt and light blue tie, was met and greeted at the VC Bird International Airport by the governor general, Sir Rodney Williams, and prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne. His welcome included a Caribbean band and members of the Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force while he inspected a guard of honour.
A highlight of Prince Harry’s visit will be the participation in the 35th anniversary of independence in Antigua and Barbuda and the 50th anniversary of independence in Barbados and Guyana.
His next stop will be St Kitts and Nevis on November 23, where he will be welcomed and greeted at the Marina at Port Zante, Basseterre, by the governor general, Sir Tapley Seaton
As Prince Harry moves on to other Caribbean islands on his royal tour, one of the highlights will be a Golden Anniversary Spectacular Mega Concert in Barbados on November 30, which will feature the best of Barbadian talent, from singers and dancers, to orchestras, icons and celebrated entertainers, one of whom will be Rihanna.
Photo: Prince Harry inspects the Guard of Honour on arrival in Antigua on Sunday