US Election: Trump Takes Aim At First Lady Michelle Obama

October 27, 2016 admin 0

(BBC) US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has launched a rare attack on Michelle Obama, saying “all she wants to do is campaign” for his rival. He also accused the first lady of attacking Hillary Clinton in 2007 by invoking a line she had said about fitness to run the White House. The Obama campaign had denied the line referred […More]

UNC leader tells Diego supporters: Senate post for Anil

October 27, 2016 admin 0

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says she may appoint former government minister Anil Roberts to the Senate shortly. She made the comment during a public meeting of the United National Congress (UNC) in Diego Martin on Monday night, moments after Roberts made a return to the platform after a self-imposed hiatus of some 27 months. Roberts was asked to resign as […More]

Clinton and Trump dine together

October 21, 2016 admin 0

  (CNN)Donald Trump abandoned decades of tradition Thursday night with a tough takedown of Hillary Clinton at an annual charity dinner that prompted booing of the Republican presidential nominee. Clinton’s remarks, too, largely lacked the self-deprecating humor that is typical at the Al Smith dinner, which benefits Catholic charities and is often one of the final opportunities for presidential candidates […More]

Donald Trump refuses to say whether he’ll accept election results

October 20, 2016 admin 0

Donald Trump on Wednesday refused to say he would accept the result of the presidential election if he loses to Hillary Clinton, raising the possibility of an extraordinary departure from principles that have underpinned American democracy for more than two centuries. “I will look at it at the time,” Trump said when asked during the final presidential debate whether he […More]

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